Thank you so much for your prayers for my Grandpa. He is doing well, although experiencing a lot of nausea. They were wanting to let him out of the hospital yesterday, but will not until they get the nausea under control. They are still hoping for today or tomorrow (I think).
As for my imediate family, some tidbits of our last week...
- One night, last week, instead of me singing a bedtime song, KayLynn did the honors. She probably sang for 2 minutes. And, although I did not know the song, I recognised several words (daddy, buddy, singing...) and even some tunes (elmos world). She was very sincere and I wished that I could video it. She loves to sing now, and if you ask her for a song, she will most likely oblige - just don't interupt with laughter because then she gets shy and stops!!
- Two nights ago, after I sang the Winnie-the-Pooh song for her, she tried to sing it as well. It came out "Pooh, pooh, pooh..." She is pretty darn cute.
- Each night at bedtime, we pray. KayLynn and I do her prayer and then I say one for both of us. I have been teaching KayLynn a simple prayer that she repeats after me. I say one word and then she repeats it. This is how it goes every night, "Dear Dear Jesus Jesus Thank you Thank you Four Five (me trying not to laugh) -no KayLynn, for- for this this day day. Amen. Amen"
- Their little brains are amazing. For several weeks KayLynn has been saying creasy - I think. Yesterday when I picked K up from Granny Tam's house, Tam told me that K is saying Tracy. I thought, surely she is not, she has only seen Tracy a few times. Tam said that she asked K if she meant Tracy, and KayLynn responded, "Yes, and Toni. Tracy and Toni." My two aunts that she has seen only a handfull of times, with lots of people and only a few minutes!!
Also, last week (or so) Shari's and her best friend Susie made a studio and took pictures of the munchkin. They turned out amazingly. She looks like a romanesque cherub. I love them and can't wait to get some on my wall.

Hope your week went well and that you family is safe, happy and healthy. God bless.
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