**KayLynn had her first doctor appointment today. She was pretty good. She watched that doctor like a hawk. It is funny, I am sure that moms (especially first timers) always think that their child has done everything early, so doctors take things they say with a grain of salt! However, we were talking about babies watching movement and I told the doctor that KayLynn is not at all like a newborn, in that she follows people with her eyes. When I talk, she moves her head and looks at me, and further more, she has been doing that since she was born. She watched people, I don't think that he believed me. He gave me a patronizing smile! Oh well!
**KayLynn had her first concert. Last night Max played the piano for KayLynn. Max is more of a composer because he just sits down at the piano, pushes down keys and it always sounds really good - I hate people with natural talent. I took lessons for two years, and all I can do is play Mary Had a Little Lamb. I can't even play chopsticks!
**First full day of feeding well. KayLynn and I are becoming quite the team. I am so blessed to have Mrs Matsuda right down the street. She was such a blessing, I can't even count the number of times she came over to help us learn. Praise the Lord, I think that we have crossed the bridge. That is not to say that we wont have anymore hard days, but I think the hardest part is over!! This is such a blessing because the better we get at feeding, the better she is at sleeping. I have been getting 3hour segments of sleep which is so nice.
Thank you all for your prayers during these past few days. We have most definately needed them. Starting today I am trying to get out of the house for a little bit. Even just taking a walk around the block with KayLynn - just to keep my spirits up and to remember the difference between night and day. See/Talk/Write with/to you all soon!
dear Tina, I am so glad that you had a good day and that you saw your doctor. I was praying for you when I woke up last night and this morning. If you need laundry done or a baby holder just call.
I'm glad everything is well. Thank you for the pictures she is adorable!! The boppy looks familiar. Do you use it alot? Jonah was observant from the beginning too. I think it has to do with being cooked in our bellys longer. I'm looking forward to meeting her. I love you all--B
So sweet!! I am glad you are doing well. Enjoy each moment-even the middle of the night ones. Time flies and she won't be so little long.
looks like you are having a lot of fun getting to know her! I am sure that she is just as advanced as you think she is. She sure is cute!
Hello cousin, cousin in law, and new baby girl cousin! This is Danielle. Grammy showed me your blog and I had to congratulate you two on make an absolutly beautiful child! She has one of the most unique baby-faces I've ever seen. Keep up the good work and picture taking!
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