
Monday, July 7, 2008

A Year of Blessings...

Today is Max and my one-year anniversary! I am so thankful to the Lord for giving me such a wonderful husband. I cannot imagine having enjoyed this year more, or having grown more in love with him than I was on our wedding day. Everyday I have more reasons to thank the Lord for giving me this man. I look forward to the future and Lord-willing, many more years together.

The traditional "First-Year" gift is supposed to be something paper. We intend to give eachother a birth certificate! It will probably be a few days late, but it will last forever!


Hinman said...

Birth certificate. how cute. I can't wait to meet her!

Erika said...

So, have you had her yet?? I mean it's already mostly through her due date and she's not here??! Maybe you should go to my parents and jump on the trampoline. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary - She could be born on Sarah's birthday or Tam and James' anniversary!