
Friday, December 21, 2007

Feeling the baby?!?!?!

My sister was telling me a story about a girl who was 7 or 8 weeks pregnant, who walked around complaining about how her baby had his feet in her ribs. It was my sister who nicely took her aside and explained to her that the baby was less than two inches long, and probably couldn't reach her ribs, let alone kick them hard enough to bring such a loud complaint!

So, at the risk of sounding like that girl - I am feeling the baby move. At first I had no idea what this fluttery feeling in my abdomen was. However after talking with many pros (moms) I have found out that is the feeling is, in fact, the baby! Every day I am more in awe of how the Lord has made our bodies. I will even go as far as being amazed that eating certain foods during pregnancy makes one sick. I can't believe that anyone who has had a baby cannot believe in divine creation. How could your body accidentally become such a perfectly functioning organ? I mean a child has more intelligence than an accident, and I have never seen a child create more than a scribbly picture that you have to try to make out!

Anyway, since you are all Christians, I guess I don't have to try to convince you!

1 comment:

Hinman said...

I love your little countdown. It is soo cute!