We are at the crossroads. Do you remember before you had children, seeing those kids in the stores? You know, the ones screaming that they want something while the parent tries to find something to keep them quiet. The ones whose parents say, "Johnny if you do that one more time (this is, of course, the 500th time already) then_____(you fill in the empty threat)." I remember thinking that I would never allow my children to behave in such a manner. Tam used to always say that she didn't want to raise children that she didn't like - well, me either!
I kind of had this naive thought that you had to be a bad parent - I mean its so easy, isn't it? You tell the kid what to do, your bigger, so they do it!
Sorry, just had to! Well, KayLynn has reached that point where I am looking down the crossroads. And I now know that those parents reached this point with their children and for some reason gave up. And, but for the grace of God, I would too. It is hard. Very hard. I have never thought that mothers had an easy job. However, I had no idea what a constant job it is. It takes so much energy to have a happy, obedient, respectful child. You have to work at it, every minute. It does not happen in a vacuum. Even my sweet, obedient little girl needs the constant attention. She has to constantly be reminded that she can choose obedience. I have to teach her that she can, in fact, control herself.
OK - I will be off my tirade for a while, but I am sure that I will be back as tomorrow will be our first day as a pacifier-free household.
I have to paste my cousin Sarah's comment here, because it is short and to the point what I was trying to get at..."I have come to the conclusion my children are probably going to do and try everything I have seen and "hated" in other kids, but I think the difference isn't them it is us and our reaction, patience, consistancy and tolerance. They will try it, but what our response it is the important part."
Please let me clarify~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
OK I promise that I will add some pictures - especially to the post about my Montana trip. However, I did want to say that my last post was not a complaint, it was a realization. KayLynn is a very good girl. She is sweet and obedient most of the time. And, like Shari points out, she will lie down when you tell her to, her only complaint being tears. But, even my sweet daughter needs the constant love and attention. And I mean constant in a minute-by-minute way, not day-by-day. KayLynn is very easy going and puts up with a lot from me. The only regularity in her schedule is that Wed-Fri someone other than mom and dad will be babysitting her. She deals with it all very well and still manages to charm everyone she sees. My previous post was mostly a glimpse at what an amazing task the Lord has given us. I am thankful everyday for my little munchkin. I miss her when I am at work. Even when I am overwhelmed she shows me that she is completely worth it. Her little smile makes my day and I love my cuddles and eskimo kisses when I get home. On Mondays and Tuesdays she is waiting at the door when I come up the walk, and when it is not too cold or wet, Max takes her outside and lets her stand on the sidewalk and wait for me. There is no job more rewarding or fulfilling than being KayLynn's mama. Just so you know!
she is so obedient I cannot believe it. I tell her to lay down and she does. She cries but she lays down. You have done a tremendous job. You are a fantastic mom and Kaylynn is so fortunate to have you
I am so often reminded of my own sin through my kids. It is hard-so hard and it doesn't get easier (sorry) even if you are consistant-just different! But isn't that how we are with God-obedient willing in some areas, but stuborn and unyielding in others.
Praise God we have prayer, and others who have been there before us!
I forgot I was also going to tell you that I have come to the conclusion my children are probably going to do and try everything I have seen and "hated" in other kids, but I think the difference isn't them it is us and our reaction, patience, consistancy and tolerance. They will try it, but what our response it is the important part.
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