
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thank you all for the advice

Thank you all for the godly advice I really do appreciate you sharing your wisdom. It is actually kind of a relief to know that I am not the only person raising a sinful human in their home! When the tantrums started I started watching the when and why. Of course, being tired or hungry does not help, but mostly she does it when she wants me. She wants me to stay with her, play with her or whatnot. I am trying to make sure that I play with her and read with her more, since it is so easy to get distracted by all that needs to be done when I get home from work. However, I firmly believe that regardless of the reason, that behavior is unacceptable, and you have all given me the advice and encouragement to help teach KayLynn. I will keep you updated on our progress.

And, no, Derek you were not offensive. I think we should be that convicted in the way that we discipline our children, otherwise, why do it??


Leanne said...

I also appreciated the comments in your last post. I would add another book (aside from God's Word)that I have read and referred back to time again called, "Don't Make Me Count to Three", by Ginger Plowman. It serves as a great piggyback to Tedd Tripp's book, which Dana referred to, but is dirrected more to mom's.

Anonymous said...

You might like reading the lectures from Ted Trip who gave parenting lectures at mars hill a few months ago - he wrote the book shepherding a Child's heart and Instructing a child's heart