If anyone needs an amazing photographer - one who has it all, you need to hire Natasha Reed. She has one of the best "eyes" inthe business. Both Kristin (my sister-in-law) and I searched everywhere for wedding photographers and we foudn Natasha. Not only does she do amazing work, but she is so friendly and fun that you just love having her around. We have practiacaly adopted her we like her so much. Everyone she meets feels like she is an old friend. If you want to look at her website visit http://www.natashareedphotography.com/. You can see the different galleries that she has and what wonderful photos she takes. So, please if you know of anyone needing pictures for anything, send them the link and hire her!! She is taking pictures of KayLynn for us (as well as some family pics) and I can't wait to see the finished product. She also makes her own books - if you want her to, which are great. She did one for Kristin and Michael's wedding and she did one called "Fearless Brides" tha thas pictures of women (includin my sister and I) in their wedding dresses in unusual places.
OK - my pitch is done, but seriously if you need a photographer, you are missing out if you don't hire Natasha!!!
Some of her amazing work!

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