Max's family had a baby shower for his two aunts and I. They both had babies around the same time I did. Gracie is four days younger than KayLynn and Jackson is four weeks younger than the girls. We had a good time together, especially since we don't get together often.

Max, Gracie and Jackson

KayLynn and cousin Jackson

KayLynn and her new lamby
I almost bought one of those Lambys for myself.. I mean Wesley. :) I liked the really big one they had on display, I don't want to know how much it cost though. That's great Kaylynn has fam her age for when she is older.
kaylynn gets cuter and cuter!!!
These are all great pictures! I especially love the one of KayLynn and her cousin Jackson...she appears to be thinking "Why is he so upset? Does he know something I don't know?" :o) So cute!!
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