Last night she slept for five hours in a row. Of course, between three hours and five hours I have to check on her several times to make sure she was breathing! She is more and more awake during the day, and sleeping very well at night. Most nights she goes right back to sleep in her bed, without a fuss. The Lord gave us a very easy baby. She has her stubborn moments – like when she decides she wants to be held. Yesterday we were both lying on the bed, and when I got up she cried. I laid down next to her (not touching her!) and she calmed down. We went through this three or four times, until I gave up! I am such a push over, but its ok to give in every once in a while – right?!?!?
For the most part, she only cries when she is hungry, dirty or un-swaddled. When she is awake, she smiles and grins at everyone. She loves her daddy though most of all. She gets this look of contentment when he comes home, that she gives to no one else. He is the only person that she seems to focus on for long periods of time. I am not sure what it is, but she is already a daddy’s girl. And, of course, he adores her. Today they are home together all day while I am at work. I am sure she will be happy and easy all day for him!
She changes so much everyday, that it is hard to know what thing to write. Max and I were talking last night about the day she was born. It is so amazing that she is already five weeks old. I can’t believe that I had her inside me – and I think I know now what people mean when they say that you forget the pain. It is not that I have forgotten it, but it seems unreal and like it happened in another life (if I believed in that sort of thing). But, our little peanut is completely worth any pain in the world. And, knowing what I do of my parents, I don’t think that labor is the hardest pain that you go through with children.
That’s probably enough updates for now, I will save some for later.