TEARS... KayLynn had her first tears Thursday evening. We went to the docs and got her immunizations, but they made her pretty upset. The doc said she might get a little fever - and boy did she. She cried most of the night, although the Tylenol did help her feel a little better. She stayed pretty calm as long as we held her tight and rocked her.
TV WATCHING... I have noticed that if there is a movie playing in our bedroom, she will now watch it. Right now she is watching We were soldiers as I type (which is funny because she is laughing and smiling as the pictures change!). We try now to keep it off, so that she doesn't get accustomed to being entertained in that way, but it is pretty funny to watch her strain her neck to see the TV.
STRAINING TO SEE ME... Every morning Max holds KayLynn for half an hour or so in bed dozing so that I can take a bath and get ready before he goes to work. They both love this daddy/daughter time. This morning when I came in and started to talk to them. As soon as I started talking, she jerked her head right to me and started to stare. The she turned her attention back to Max when he began talking. She continued for a while just following the conversation back and forth. She loves to find me when I am talking - which I love!
And of course, she had her two-month check up yesterday. She did so well until the shots. She was smiling and cooing at the doctor - she did fuss when he picked her up out of her blanket, but who could blame her? When they stuck her with the needles for the immunizations she screamed once but then she just whimpered for about a minute. After that she was done and happy again! We found out that she is 11 pounds 6.5 ounces!! Her head is 15.25 around, and her body is 21.75 inches long. Apparently she is average in everything but height. There she is below average, maybe she will take after her momma!
Seeing that she tends to get a moisture rash, the doctor told me to lay her out naked a little bit every week, so today we did. I got a puppy training pad and put it under her on her blanket on our bed today. She loved it!! She and I played with her rattle until she fell asleep - I know, I know... We aren't supposed to let her sleep on her belly, but she is still here so I guess it is OK!
On another note, Aunty Nancy came over today and we took some cute pictures of KayLynn. I am trying to take a picture each month of KayLynn with the same pooh bear, to track her growth. I also got one of her and Nancy.
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